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Robin Singh | Mississauga, ON

Robin Singh

By using the right techniques, sales professionals will be able to qualify their prospect base much more effectively, deliver fewer presentations, close a far higher percentage of those commissions, and close more business.  Continue reading to learn how to qualify to get decisions and close business faster.

Identify the goals that really matter to you, then put the power of visualization to work on your behalf to attain them.

Is everyone on your sales team speaking the same language?  When you ask your sales rep, "Hey, how did that call go?" and she responds, "It went well."  What does well mean? The sales manager may have a different interpretation of "went well" than the sales rep.  There is no room for wishy-washy words in a bottom line.  Ninety-four percent of sales organizations do not have a common process.

Do a Reality Check on Your Sales Forecast - If inactive prospects have snuck into your pipeline, now is the best time to clean them out. Remember – only active, qualified prospects who are currently in discussion with you, and moving through the sales process, should form the basis of your sales forecasts.

Launching a discussion about features usually leaves prospective buyers cold. Create and practice a statement that helps you engage with others about the desirable outcome you’ve delivered to other customers.